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Our research lab is within the Northwestern Radiology department and focuses on developing novel advanced computational MRI analysis techniques to enable personalized & integrative comprehensive assessment of complex cardiovascular diseases. This achieved by employing advances interdisciplinary computational imaging techniques spanning computer science, cardiovascular imaging, applied fluid dynamics and translational cardiovascular clinical research. Example interests include developing methods for noninvasive evaluation of advanced hemodynamics (e.g. from 4D Flow MRI), precise quantification of high-dimensional physiologic & structural imaging data (e.g. high-dimensional scalar, vector and tensor field data from 3D LGE, Diffusion MRI, Tissue Phase Mapping, 4D Flow, T1 & T2 mapping etc.) and effective integration of MRI with other imaging modalities (e.g. Electrophysiology, CT, PET, Echo, etc.). Such methods are utilized to revealing new insights into underlying cardiovascular pathophysiologic mechanisms and developing novel diagnostic & predictive markers for better risk stratification in adult and congenital cardiovascular disease.



Department of Radiology

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

737 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1600
Chicago Illinois 60611, USA
O: +1 312 926 6819